
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

At Cerebrus Limited, the company behind the ChatnGift app, we are committed to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not occur in any part of our business operations or supply chains. We recognize OUR RESPONSIBILITY to uphold human rights and ethical standards, and we have implemented measures to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our organization.
We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. Our policies and procedures are designed to ensure compliance with United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 4, United Nations Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children (UN TIP Protocol), also known as the Palermo Protocol, International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, including convention No. 29on forced labour and convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labour, United KingdomThe Modern Slavery Act 2015 and European Union Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims.

We provide training to our employees to rase awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking. This is the structured approach of our program:

Needs Assessment
  1. Identify Audience:

    We identify which employee needs training include staff involved in, supply chain management, human resources, and other relevant departments.

  2. Assess Knowledge

    We assess existing awareness levels among employees to adapt training content accordingly.

Developing Training Content
  1. Basic Concepts:

    We start with fundamental concepts, explaining what modern slavery and human trafficking involves, including common definitions, types, and indicators.

  2. Legal Framework:

    Provide an overview of relevant international, national, and local laws, highlighting the legal consequences of non-compliance.

  3. Risk Factors:

    Discuss the industries and regions where these issues are prevalent, helping employees understand potential risk factors in the company's supply chain.

  4. Recognizing Red Flags:

    Teach employees to identify warning signs and suspicious activities associated with modern slavery and human trafficking.

  5. Reporting Procedures:

    Clearly internal reporting procedures within the company if an employee suspects any form of exploitation.

  6. Case Studies:

    Real-life examples and case studies to illustrate situations related to modern slavery and human trafficking, making the training more understandable and impactful.

Training Methods
  1. Online Courses:

    E-learning platforms that offer interactive modules, quizzes and certification upon completion.

  2. In-Person Workshops:

    Workshops led by experts, allowing for interactive discussions and Q&A sessions.

  3. Guest Speakers:

    Guest speakers from NGOs, law enforcement agencies, or anti-trafficking organizations to share insights and experiences..

Regular Updates
  1. Stay Current:

    We keep the training content up to date with the latest laws, regulations, and industry best practices.

  2. Periodic Refresher Courses:

    We offer periodic refresher training sessions to reinforce knowledge and ensure that employees stay vigilant over time.

Encourage Participation
  1. Interactive Sessions:

    Foster active participation through discussions, group activities, and case analysis.

  2. Feedback Mechanism:

    A system for employees to provide feedback on the training content, ensuring continuous improvement.

Promote a Supportive Environment
  1. Open Communication:

    We encourage an open-door policy where employees feel comfortable reporting concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

  2. Non-Retaliation:

    We assure employees that reporting suspicions will not result in retaliation and emphasize the company's commitment to addressing such issues.

Documentation and Certification:
  1. Certificates:

    We provide certificates of completion to employees who successfully finish the training, emphasizing the importance the company places on this issue.

Our Commitment
  1. Supplier Due Diligence:

    We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to assess their compliance with anti-slavery and anti-trafficking laws. This includes evaluating their policies, practices, and transparency in their supply chains.

  2. Employee Training:

    We provide training to our employees to raise awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking issues. Our employees are encouraged to report any concerns they may have regarding these matters.

  3. Reporting Mechanisms:

    We have established reporting mechanisms for employees and suppliers to report any suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking. These reports are taken seriously, and appropriate action will be taken promptly.

  4. Continuous Monitoring:

    We will continuously monitor and evaluate our supply chains to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Review and Compliance

This statement is reviewed annually and is approved by the board of directors of Cerebrus Limited. We are committed to ensuring its effective implementation and adherence throughout our organization.

Contact Information

For further information or to report any concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking, please contact: Sarah Vomocil

Cerebrus Limited is dedicated to promoting ethical practices and protecting human rights. We remain vigilant in our efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking, and we are committed to driving positive change within our organization and across our supply chains.


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